Fun with Dry Ice

  Or: How to Entertain Little Kids for Hours for $5

A few weeks ago, I was grocery shopping with the kids. As we wheeled out of the frozen foods section, I noticed a big cooler full of dry ice for sale. I had seen it before, and thought it might be fun to do some experiments with the kids. But it was never the right time, and I thought I should probably research fun experiments before I bought any. Well, today I was taking care of the kids all day. And it was a beautiful day. Then I noticed the price. It was about $5 for a pound of dry ice. For $5, who cares if we haven’t done any preparation? It’s $5! We can’t afford not to try it!

It turns out it takes about 2 minutes of internet surfing to come up with plenty of fun stuff to do with dry ice. Here are the things we liked the best, and some things that were not that awesome.

Things that were awesome:

Put it in a pan of water

Dry Ice in panThis is the most basic fun thing to do, and a lot of other cool experiments start with this basic one. Find an old pan, put a half-inch of water in it, and drop in a chunk of dry ice. Smoke everywhere! I used a metal pan, because I was concerned a glass pan might crack. I also put it on top of some cardboard, to insulate it from our glass tabletop. If you just leave a chunk of dry ice in the air, it will slowly sublimate, causing a small ‘smoke’ effect. The water speeds up the process by transferring heat faster, so it sublimates faster, making the smoke more dramatic. The water around the dry ice will eventually freeze, which slows down the process. You can knock the water ice off to get things going again. Which brings us to a word on safety. When I say ‘drop in a chunk’, keep in mind this stuff is seriously cold. It will stick to your hands and ‘burn’ your skin if you leave it on long enough. It won’t kill you to touch it, but we mostly used gloves or tongs to handle it.

Submerge it in a tub of water

Smoky bubblesOnce you’ve watched the basic pan of water for a while, try adding enough water to cover the dry ice (or, throw some in a fountain, like we did). The dry ice is still sublimating, but now the ‘smoke’ forms bubbles under water, which come up to the surface and pop.

Add some bubble soap

If you’ve already got the dry ice submerged and making bubbles, add some soap. If things work just right, you’ll get smoke-filled bubbles that will leave the surface of the water, and then float off through the air.

Touch it with metal

If you press a piece of metal (spoons, screwdrivers and pennies all work well) against the dry ice, you’ll hear a high pitched screeching. Apparently, the gas forming around the metal pushes the metal away. Then the escaping gas pulls the metal back. This happen over and over and quickly enough to make a horrible noise. Kids love it.

Put in in apple juice

Dry Ice Apple JuiceThis is a great break when the kids are finally growing weary of the water pan experiments. “Let’s have some juice. Oh, look I put a little chunk of dry ice in your juice glass!” Now we’ve got bubbling juice, with spooky looking smoke on top. Don’t let them drink it until the dry ice is gone, but when it is, you now have carbonated juice. This was a huge hit.

Things that were not that cool:

Put some in a balloon

The idea here is you put dry ice in a balloon, tie it, and the dry ice inflates the balloon. First, it is very hard to get the dry ice into the balloon. It needs to be a small piece to begin with, and then it wants to stick to the rubber as you’re trying to push it in. I eventually got the balloon tied off, and it did partially inflate, but it was pretty unimpressive.

Put some in a Ziploc bag

This is the same idea as the balloon, but since the bag can’t stretch like the balloon, it should eventually explode with a loud kaboom. Since I had little children wandering around, I was very conservative with how much dry ice I used. It slowly inflated the bag. The bag then quietly ruptured. No kaboom. If I had put a bigger chunk in, along with some hot water, it probably would have worked as intended. Maybe next time.

The Takeaway

Overall, the kids (and dad) loved it. It turns out a pound was way more than we needed to have fun for hours. A half-pound probably would have been plenty. Also, it will last all day in a regular cooler, so you don’t have to stress about getting things prepared quickly. Was it worth $5? Absolutely. We may buy some more at Halloween for spooky witch cauldron effects.

Are there any awesome tricks I should’ve done, but didn’t? Let me know in the comments, because I’ll probably do this again someday.

DIY Backlash and Internet Naysayers

The internet is the greatest tool for sharing information in the history of humanity. I particularly love it for finding out how to do new things, or how to do old things better. I’ve done a huge amount of work on my cars that I never would have accomplished without electronic help. And in that spirit, I try to give back. When I learn something new, or see someone who needs help, I’ll post it on a forum, or sometimes even write a how-to article. But with the rise of information sharing came the rise of the hater, which is what got me writing today.
Credit: Leimenide on flickr

Credit: Leimenide on flickr

A few months ago, I posted an article on how to do a simple fix for my microwave. It was easy, it saved me literally hundreds of dollars, and I thought it would probably help out other people. Knowing that we’re talking about working around electricity, I threw in a broad caution statement:

“A word of warning: if you are not experienced taking apart electronics, don’t get in over your head. Use common sense, make sure to unplug everything, be careful, and take pictures to remember how things go back together.”

But that didn’t stop someone from chiming in to tell everyone that the sky was falling and that it was probably my fault. The comment was well-written, and unfailingly polite, but I felt like it went too far:

“Please permit me to preface what I’m about to say that I’m a trained appliance tech. Microwave ovens, along with televisions and computer monitors, are very dangerous devices for an unskilled person to work on and one tiny slip could send you to the hospital ER or worse. Microwave ovens have a high voltage power supply that produces, on average 2,000 volts which is rectified (changed from AC to DC) which powers the magnetron tube, which generates the microwave radiation that cooks your food. The danger comes from the fact that microwave ovens contain an oil filled high voltage capacitor (the oval shaped can located right below the fuse in your picture) that can hold a charge for days, even weeks, after the oven has been unplugged. That voltage and amperage is enough to stop your heart. Modern ovens contain a bleeder resistor built in the capacitor that neutralizes the charge on the capacitor’s plate when the unit is shut off, but those resistor can fail and for that reason the capacitor must be properly discharged before the oven is safe to work on. Unless one is trained to work on high voltage circuitry one should ask him or herself is the money I save by doing it myself worth my life?

Your article is well written but the lack of adequate precautions about the potential for electrocution could get a beginner seriously hurt. Just removing the oven’s shell will be getting them in over their head.”

My first reaction was to get defensive and argue. But I resisted that urge and decided to sleep on it before I replied. As I said, the comment was not-trollish or baiting, but I did have a question about his motives. This commenter says he is a trained appliance technician, and is criticizing an article that tells people how to fix their microwave without his help. Obviously there is potential financial motivation for him.

But let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he is genuinely just concerned about people getting hurt. This is the part the irked me the most about his comment. The underlying thought process is that since some idiot may get hurt doing something stupid, we must assume everyone is that stupid, and try to protect them from themselves. The world is full of smart, capable people. To dumb down the internet just to protect the least capable people hurts everyone. It reminds me of the short story Harrison Bergeron; did we learn nothing from that? Or are we not allowed to read that in school anymore? This is the reason that car and appliance manuals no longer have any useful repair information in them, for fear that someone will get hurt and sue the manufacturer. Which is what sends us looking on the internet for actual help on how to do fix things.

I feel like I may be getting overly worked up about one small comment, but there really is a bigger issue at stake. I don’t WANT people to hurt themselves. But more importantly, I don’t want the entire planet to be deprived of information for the fear that one person may misuse it.

Am I way off base here?

My Planet Express luggage tag

Or: Making a luggage tag that actually stands out from the crowd

I’ve done a quite a bit of travelling for business, but for a long time I managed to avoid buying specific luggage to do it. My grandparents gave me a set of LL Bean soft-sided luggage in the 80’s, and it has been well used and well loved. More recently, I’ve been borrowing my wife’s rolling suitcases for business trips, but those bags are almost as old as mine, and are starting to show it.

In the days when I was flying into Mexico to help get a packaging line running, nobody cared if I was carrying a duffle bag. But now that I’m just as likely to be a guy in a suit travelling with a bunch of other guys in suits, it makes some sense to carry what they carry. Finally, I broke down and got the rolling carry-on sized hard suitcase that pretty much every business traveler (and pilot) uses. It’s worked great so far. The downside is, I now have a suitcase that looks exactly like everyone else’s. Obviously, I needed some kind of unique identifier so I could spot my bag among its millions of relatives. And I’m not saying the pink ribbon on my wife’s bag didn’t work, but frankly, I saw a lot of those too.

Planet Express luggage tag

Planet Express luggage tag

If you go to shutterfly, they will make you a nifty metal luggage tag with a photo on one side and your information on the other, for about $5. Their templates are all set up for you to use personal photos or photos of your favorite places. But in practice, you can use a picture of just about anything. So I decided to veer off the script and go a little bit geekier. I googled around and found the Planet Express logo from Futurama, and then I added one of their slogans to it. It took quite a bit of tweaking to get everything to fit right in the shutterfly preview tool, but the finished product came out looking good and feeling sturdy.

What I like about this is that it looks enough like an actual corporate logo that most people will never give it a second glance. But those who do pay attention to it, whether they know the show or not, will probably get a kick out of it. Oh, I also love that it does its job: I’ve never seen another luggage tag like it.

Making a Google Cardboard headset for my iPhone

Growing up in the 80’s, I heard a lot of promises that Virtual Reality was right around the corner, the same way my parents had been promised flying cars. Any day now, I was going to be plunged right into a William Gibson novel, a virtual cowboy avoiding ICE.
Google Cardboard assembled

Google Cardboard assembled

When the Oculus Rift came out in 2012, it created some buzz, but at $350, it was too expensive if you were just casually curious. Then in 2014, google jumped in the game and showed us that VR didn’t have to be out of reach. A smartphone has enough computing power to show stereoscopic images, and you can build a headset to hold it very cheaply. Google gave away the original Google Cardboard kit at their developer conference, and caused a minor internet sensation. Unfortunately, probably due to the ongoing feud between Google and Apple, the Google Cardboard kit was made specifically for android phones, and if you had an iphone you were out of luck. But, true to the DIY ethos of the web, creative people found workarounds.

I was intrigued enough to start digging in. If I could try it out for a few dollars, why not? Here’s what I did, how it worked, and what you need to know to try it yourself.

What you need:

First of all you’ll need the cardboard itself. I used the original DIY cardboard templates from google, which you can download here. You can buy kits premade for about $30 from that site also, but I was going for the lowest cost solution. Be aware that you want E-flute cardboard, which is about 1/16″ thick. This is thinner than the normal corrugated cardboard you’ll find in most shipping boxes. I found enough in various non-shipping boxes that I had sitting around. I’ve read that pizza boxes are also the right thickness.

Google also lists a bunch of other stuff you will need: lenses, magnets, Velcro, rubber bands, NFC tags, etc. You won’t actually need most of the stuff. The magnet and rubber band are used to make an input for specific android apps. If you’re doing this with an iphone, that won’t work, so you don’t need to bother. You will need lenses. I got mine from Unofficial Cardboard for about $10. I had some Velcro left over from other projects, so that was essentially free.

Google Cardboard pieces cut out

Google Cardboard pieces cut out

Next, I printed out the Google template onto 11″x17″ sheets of paper and taped them to my cardboard, and carefully and painstakingly cut the shapes out. This took probably 2 hours spread out over several days. I had the best luck with a large razor-blade style box cutter for the long straight cuts, and a small xacto knife for the smaller detailed features. Note that you don’t actually have to glue the template to the cardboard.

Once the shapes were cut out, it was just a matter of folding them up correctly. The online instructions are not super clear, so hopefully my pictures will help with any confusion. Be sure to put the interior pieces in correctly to hold the lenses in place. One good tip I picked up from Unofficial Cardboard: put a piece of scotch tape right where your forehead touches the cardboard. Otherwise it’ll get unpleasantly greasy surprisingly quickly.

Assembling Google Cardboard

Assembling Google Cardboard

Finally it was time to try it out. I downloaded several iphone apps to try out. As of this writing, the easiest way to find VR apps on the iTunes store is to search for Durovis Dive (which is an $80 plastic version of what you just built out of cardboard). The good news is that the apps for the Durovis Dive work on the iPhone. UPDATE: Another good place to find iPhone compatible VR apps is here on the Unofficial Cardboard site.

For an iPhone 6, you’ll probably need to take your phone out of its case for it to fit in the cardboard. An iPhone 5 with a thin case may fit fine, I don’t know. Start the app, then put the phone in the cardboard, and then hold the cardboard up to your face. Here are my impressions of the apps I’ve tried so far:

Dive City Coaster:

You are riding a roller coaster, and you can look around by turning your head. The graphics aren’t spectacular, but I still got a little bit of motion feeling in my stomach. This is the app you’ll show to your friends first, because it requires no explanation or practice. But once you see it a couple of times yourself, you’ll be bored. Still, I tried this out sitting in a swivel chair, and I was surprised to see which way I was facing when I took the cardboard off. I give it 4 stars as a quick demo.

The Height:

This one is an actual game, with things to do. You look down at a little icon at your feet, and it causes your avatar to walk in the environment. There are obstacles and goals, so this one actually merits some repeated play. 3 stars.

Kris Menace Virtual Edition:

This app is a step up in graphics from the others, and it does use headphones or earbuds to add surround sound to the experience, but there isn’t really anything to do in the app. 2 stars.


Duck hunt in 3D. Very basic, but there it is a legitimate game, and easily played, so this one becomes another easy one to show other people how VR works. 3 stars.


A dark first person shooter where you look at zombies to shoot them. Not bad. 3 stars.

Space Slider VR:

You are moving forward along a wireframe path trying to collect little pellets. The concept is not bad, but I found the navigation extremely frustrating. Your steering inputs do almost nothing until they suddenly do way too much. 2 stars.

Roller Coaster VR:

Another roller coaster. This one has prettier scenery (you’re in the jungle), but the ride itself is a little less immersive to me (I didn’t feel it in my stomach as much). Overall very good, and a toss up between this one and Dive City Coaster. 4 stars.

Is it worth doing?

For me, yes. Overall, for the time and money invested, this iOS Cardboard experiment was a pretty good sampling of the current state of budget VR. You can see the potential for great things to come when more developers get interested. But with the quality of the apps available right now, I’m glad I didn’t spend any more than I did on a headset. I’ve read that there may be some new toys available using WebGL on Safari in iOS 8. I’ll do an update if I find any good ones.



Accidental Landlord update: when things go wrong

Credit: jen on flickr

Credit: jen on flickr

One of the biggest fears we had going into the landlord game was: what happens when big things go wrong with the house? Of course, we also had the fear that the house wouldn’t rent, but that is pretty well understood. You know how much money you’d be on the hook for each month, so at least that’s not an unknown number. And you can lower your asking price to help get renters. But the boogey-man hanging out there was for major-malfunctions. So we have homeowner’s insurance, which should cover catastrophic damage. And we bought a home warranty, which should cover a lot of the other things. And we crossed our fingers.

So of course, the air conditioner crapped out. The backstory here is that this was a very cheap builder-grade AC unit. In the 10 years we lived in the house, most of our neighbors had serious air-conditioning problems, and most of them had the units replaced, to the tune of multi-thousands of dollars. We also had plenty of AC problems, but never replaced the entire unit. Over the years, we replaced the compressor, replaced the evaporator coil, and fixed a host of other issues. When the system stopped cooling for our tenants, I’d finally had enough. The problem was a leak in the evaporator coil, again. I finally decided I was tired of replacing some part of the system every year, and was ready to replace the whole thing with something better. But how does that work out?

To shorten a long story, the home warranty company was willing to pay for a new evaporator coil, since that was the specific problem. But they weren’t going to foot the bill for a new unit until the whole thing disintegrated. That’s a reasonable position for them to take, and I wasn’t going to change their mind. So I had them just write a check for what a new coil would cost, and I applied that to the cost of a new unit.

All told, I ended up spending around $4000. Our tenants were very understanding, and actually happened to be out of town for part of the replacement time, so it worked out about as well at it could. It was a big financial hit, and mentally disappointing, because it meant we would not turn a profit on the rental house for 2014 (although we should still come out positive over this tenant’s 2-year lease). The day I wrote that check, I was certainly not enthusiastic about being a landlord.

Then I realized the silver lining of the rental business. If I had bitten the bullet and replaced the entire AC system before we moved out of the house, that would’ve been $4000 down a hole. It’s just he cost of home ownership, too bad, so sad.

But since this happened when the house was a rental, that is a $4000 expense, which counts against our rental income. So in this case (if I understand correctly), my 2014 taxes will show a loss on the rental house, which will reduce our total taxes. All things being equal, you’d obviously rather have more profits. But if you have to spend the money, having it come off your tax bill sure does soften the blow.

The fiction writing experiment

Credit: Ben Sutherland on flickr

Credit: Ben Sutherland on flickr

Way back before I ever heard of the Smart Passive Income blog, or The 4-Hour Work Week, or Rich Dad Poor Dad, (maybe 1998-ish) a few of us engineers would sit around at lunch and talk about some of the same topics we would later hear about there: how to get ahead, how to stop working for the man, how to get out of trading dollars for hours at our day jobs. We worked in the manufacturing world, and there wasn’t an easy way for us to become our own bosses. The barriers to entry were huge: a couple of engineers starting out can’t afford the machinery we’d need to build things. So I was attracted to the publishing business-model. I’d always liked to write anyway, and the work relationship seemed better than what I had. I commuted every day, to sit in a cubical and design machines. When I stopped working, they stopped paying me. On the other hand, The Author (in my mind anyway) writes the book once, and keeps getting paid as long as the book keeps selling. The publisher prints copies out by the thousand, while the author sits on the beach. The cost to print up more and more copies is pretty small. But publishing was not easy to get into: the companies that controlled the printing presses and distribution called all the shots. So, while I enjoyed writing fiction, it was something I did for fun, with no real hope of making money doing it. Now, almost 20 years later, things have changed a lot. The internet in general, and Amazon in particular, have made everything different.

The New Paradigm

In the old days, to publish a book you needed to query a bunch of agents, hoping one would represent you (an unknown writer), and the agent would approach publishers with your book idea, hoping one would agree to publish it. The odds for an unknown writer clearing both of those hurdles are not encouraging. In the brave new world of self-publishing, gone are the days of endless submittals, hoping to get an agent, and hoping to get published. As the Self Publishing Podcast would say, the gatekeepers are gone. Anybody with the drive to do it can now publish a book and see if anyone likes it. And with ebooks, the cost to make another copy of your book is just about zero, no printing press required. So with reproduction costs gone, self-published ebook authors stand to keep a bigger percentage of their sales than traditionally published authors. Suddenly my little story writing hobby seemed a little less frivolous. So I’ve been trying to learn about this stuff; listening to the Self Publishing Podcast, reading Hugh Howey’s blog, etc. And the enthusiasm is getting to me. Even if it goes nowhere, it’s inspired me to write more, which is fun.

Getting Stuff Done

Over the past several years, I’ve (very) slowly written a few short stories. With no real plan to get them published, I was in no hurry to finish them. Last month, I saw that our local free alternative paper was holding a Halloween short story contest again this year. Then I saw the entry deadline was just a few days away. In past years, I usually said, “I don’t have time to write anything by then,” and gave up. But, inspired by Pat Flynn and the SPP guys to get things done, I cranked a story out in 2 lunch hours, and sent it in. And I won! The story is here if you want to read it. And if you like the story, keep checking back here (or subscribe). I plan to update this blog with my adventures in self publishing. Maybe I’ll even set up a mailing list for people who want to get updates on my journey. My longer term plan is to self-publish a collection of my science-fictiony short stories on Amazon sometime soonish.

Becoming an Accidental Landlord, Part 2

Credit: jen on flickr

Credit: jen on flickr

A while back, in my first Becoming an Accidental Landlord post, I laid out the very basics of how the math of owning a rental house has worked for me. Since my wife and I are starting to think about buying a second house to rent out, it seemed like a good time to follow up with a more detailed look at the numbers behind making this work.

Doing the math

If it doesn’t cash flow, we don’t want it. The reason to own rental property is for it to return a profit to you. If it’s not going to do that, I’ll leave my money in the stock market (even if it is all over the place right now). I’ve seen some arguemnts by people who are willing to own houses that don’t have positive cash flow, thinking that the house will appreciate in value, and they’ll make huge profits when they eventually sell the house. That’s not the game I want to play. I want the house to be putting money in my pocket every month (well, on average anyway).

So when you’re looking at a potential house to buy, you need to be confident that it will be profitable to rent out. The biggest numbers in the equation are obviously: 1) how much will the mortgage payment be? and 2) how much will it rent for?

To get in the ballpark on the first question, you can use a lot of the online real estate sites like Zillow. If you know house price and interest rate, you can get a pretty good guess on what your monthly payment will be. To estimate the second answer, you can do the same thing: sites like Zillow or trulia will give you an estimate of local rental prices. If Rent In is more than Mortgage Out , you’re in the right ballpark, and you can proceed to get better estimates for both of those numbers. If you aren’t at a positive number now, it’s time to look for a different house, or maybe a different area, because the numbers aren’t going to improve once we start adding in all the extras.

So let’s refine the numbers. You can call your bank and pre-qualify for a loan. They’ll be able to give you an estimate of your monthly payment based on your actual credit score and current interest rates. You also need to factor in taxes, whether you let the mortgage holder pay them (my preference) or you pay them yourself.

To refine the rental number, you need real local information. Zillow estimates are probably very good on average across the nation. But what really matters is what similar houses are renting for in THAT neighborhood. For this, I ask my rental agent. My rental agent is going to handle a lot of the day-to-day details of the house once I buy it. She finds the tenants, runs background checks, writes the rental contract, collects the rent, and sends it to me. And since she does this all day long, all over town, she knows what houses are renting for better than anyone else. Of course, all this comes at a cost. The typical rental agents I’ve seen charge 10% of the rent payment each month. Some also charge an additional fee of 1 monthly payment per year, and some don’t. Obviously this has to be factored into your cash flow equation. Some people prefer to handle all this themselves, and keep that money. Since our goal is passive income, the less of the daily details I need to chase down, the better. Our agent has done a fantastic job of getting quality tenants, and I’m happy to pay for that.

So we’ve got got a good handle on the 2 biggest numbers in the equation. Coming up next we’ll look at the smaller numbers that can sneak up on you and bite you in the butt.

Silver cube

Silver cube

Silver cube, scrambled

When the Rubik’s Cube originally came out in the 1980s I was 10ish. I played with one, and could solve a side and the next level. But I could never do the full cube without laboriously paging through a solution book my Dad bought. Once the furor died down, I moved on to other things. Then, last year, a couple of friends picked the cube back up. I was included on their emails as they kept beating each other’s fastest solve times. Finally, I couldn’t resist and started asking questions. What you need to know to solve the classic cube is Bad Mephisto. He does the best job I’ve seen of teaching you how to solve the classic cube. Go to his site and learn the 5 algorithms.

Faster Cubes

I didn’t want to learn to solve the cube fast, I just wanted to learn to solve it. But once you can solve it reliably, you’ll probably want to go faster. The classic cube is fine, but if you want to go faster, it will eventually hold you back. There are ‘speed cubes’ that spin more easily, and also have clipped corners, that allow you to start a turn without the edges being as precisely aligned as the original cube requires. They are also stickerless, so no more peeling stickers. So I got this one from Amazon. With that cube, I average about 2:00 – 2:30 to solve, with a best time of 1:26.

More Challenges

Which brings us to the beauty you see here. When solving the basic cube is no longer daunting, you may find yourself looking for new challenges. This beautiful cube solves with same algorithms as the normal 3×3 cube. But instead of each side being a different color, each side is a different size and shape, so it’s a fun challenge to figure out how to map ‘size and shape’ information onto the color algorithms you already know. And when it’s scrambled it looks fantastic, like a bizarre futuristic building. I got it here on Amazon for about $5, and it always starts a conversation whenever anyone sees it.


Silver cube solved

Silver cube solved

Article Writing with InfoBarrel

Credit: Leimenide on flickr

Credit: Leimenide on flickr

If you listen to Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income Podcast, in Episode #15 you’ll hear his advice on how to get started in online business. Surprisingly, what he recommends that you try first is not to start a blog or a podcast, but to start writing articles for a content site. So I did exactly that, to see what it’s all about. In the end, I didn’t make a bunch of money, but it’s been a great learning tool, and I’m glad I gave it a try.

How it Works

InfoBarrel (and other sites like HubPages) publish articles on a variety of topics that are submitted by regular people (typically not professional writers). The site makes its money by displaying ads on the pages (on your articles), and they split the ad money with the authors. In the case of InfoBarrel, they keep 25% of the article’s ad revenue, and the author gets 75%. There are several advantages to writing for them over starting your own blog. One, it is easy and free to get started as a writer. You don’t have to go buy a domain and pay for hosting. You don’t have to maintain your site, or deal with advertisers; they do all that for you. And second, your articles will get broader exposure on their site than they would on a new and unknown blog. As of this writing, my most popular InfoBarrel article (on How to Wall Mount a Flatscreen TV) has 203 views; quite a bit more than my (new and unknown) blog currently gets.

First, you sign up for a free account, and then you can start submitting articles. The site has an online writing/editing tool (similar to WordPress). You can write directly in this tool, or write offline in a word processor, and later just paste into their editor, which is what I prefer. The editor has a spelling checker and a fairly aggressive grammar checker that will redline passive voice, and even big words that it deems too complicated. They have several criteria you must meet (minimum length, maximum number of links), and then actual human editors must read and approve your article before it goes live on the site. After you have published enough articles, you can become pre-approved, but with only 11 articles, I haven’t gotten that yet.

Once your articles are published, you can track how often they are viewed and read, and how much you are earning.

What I Learned

Like a lot of marketing (and life in general) it’s a number game. Pat Flynn started this when he was newly unemployed and wrote 150 articles in one month. The people that report making substantial regular money off the site have hundreds of articles published. I had nowhere near that amount of commitment or free time, I just wanted to dip my toes in and see what it’s all about. I’ve written a very modest 11 articles in the last 10 months, and even that small number is enough to learn a lot.

1. SEO: Write What People Want to Read

You can write on just about any topic you want, but that doesn’t mean anyone will read it. A lot of experienced article writers do serious SEO (search engine optimization) and keyword research using paid tools, and choose article subjects based on that. Since I’m more or less doing this for fun, I write articles on things that interest me, or projects I’m doing around the house. But it’s still worth learning a little about keyword research and SEO. I go to  SEMrush, and type in the subject that I plan to write about. Using the results from this, I get an idea how to title my article, and what keywords and tags I need to be sure to include.

2. Write in a Way That is Easy to Read

Online articles don’t lend themselves to long paragraphs of unbroken text. If you want people to read all the way through your article, it helps to break it up into very short passages, with easily scanned section headings. Obviously, this writing style carries over to blog writing.

3. Use Pictures

Pictures draw the reader in and make the article more interesting look at. I write a lot of how-to project articles, and use pictures I take myself. But for articles where I don’t have my own pictures, I needed to learn the correct way to add pictures. If you just copy a photo from another page or from google search results, you are most likely stealing someone’s picture. That’s bad, and can get you in trouble. Alternatively, you can pay for stock images. For an article that might earn me a dollar or two, I certainly wasn’t going to pay for a photo. The right way to do it is find pictures that allow free use.  There are several sites that allow you to download stock photos. My favorite free way is to do an advanced search in flickr, and specify that I only want results that are Creative Commons-licensed, and that can be used commercially. These photographs are free to use, as long as you credit the source, as I’ve done with the barrel picture I used here.

4. Get Featured

Once you publish an article, you want people to see it. You can cross your fingers and hope people find it, or you can submit to be featured on the front page of the InfoBarrel site. They publish an editorial calendar every month of the types of articles they want to feature each day of the upcoming month. If yours is chosen, it will stay on the front page for a week. Once I learned to do this, my views and earnings picked up dramatically. Of my 11 articles, 6 have been featured on the front page.

5. Affiliate Links and Amazon accounts

The InfoBarrel generated ads are not the only way to make money on articles. You can also get affiliate revenue from Amazon or other sites. InfoBarrel is pretty picky about this, to keep the site from filling up with spammy ‘articles’ that are really just affiliate ads. You can have 2 external links, and they need to make sense in the article. For instance, if you write a how-to article, you can link to the tools or products that you used. If someone follows the link and buys the product, you can earn a small commission.

6. Backlinks and Sharing

This is an area I did not do much with, although I read a good bit about it. Lots of people advocate promoting your articles on Twitter and Facebook and even on sites that you pay to generate backlinks to your article. This seemed spammy to me. Most of the friends I have on social media are my friends in real life. If they tried to get me to click on a bunch of articles that they likely had little interest in, I’d eventually unfriend them. The few dollars I might make spamming everyone I know was not worth it to me.

In the end, the more I learned about ‘tricks’ to get more views, the less I liked it. It opened my eyes to why a LOT of what is published on the web is written the way it is. I began to realize that much of what is published, even on what I view as legitimate news sites, is written to get clicks and not really to share useful information. It sounds naive of me when I write that, and obvious, but this certainly drove the point home. I decided that I didn’t want to publish schlock to make a few dollars. I’d much rather write things that I enjoy and am proud of, and make less money. And hopefully make the web a better place.

What I Earned

Well, let’s start off with a big asterisk here. I haven’t technically earned anything, because InfoBarrel doesn’t make a payment until your account reaches at least $50. Right now my account is at about $31 and (very slowly) climbing. This is the total from writing 11 articles over 10 months. This averages to $2.73 per article written, or alternatively, $3 per month. But averages can be pretty misleading with a small sample size. In reality, my more popular articles have earned $5-7, and some have earned $0. You won’t buy a lot of champagne and caviar on $3 a month. On the other hand, there was no cost to me to publish them, and I only spent a couple of lunch hours each month writing them.

I may continue to write a few more articles when I have a topic that is better suited to InfoBarrel than to my blog, but for the most part I consider this experiment done. I learned a bunch of skills that help me in everything I do online, so I don’t regret it for a second. But as a generator of passive income, I think (hope) that my limited time is better spent on other stuff.

Berlin again


Another picture from my trip to Berlin. When we saw these parked on the street, my inner car-guy took notice. A discussion ensued about which was worth more. I believe we are looking at a Mercedes SLS AMG here, that sold for about $202,000 new. I have no idea what prices are like for older Rolls Royces.


Anyone have a guess?